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Work Each Day Toward #HealthyLiving

Mental Health, Mindset

woman with a big smile sitting outside in the sun at a park
Do you want to be healthier? Here are a few tips that can get you started on your journey.

A.J. Garcia, MA, LMFT, QCS

Do you often think about living a healthier lifestyle but aren’t sure where to start? Do you find yourself discouraged because of the long path ahead of you? Don’t worry! These tools will help you work toward becoming a more healthy, happy you.

Unfortunately “healthy” is too often connected with the idea that you must be happy with the number on the scale. That’s not true! Being healthy is a lifestyle. It means that you are taking care of your mind and body by exercising, eating right, relaxing, investing well in important relationships, staying in tune with how you feel, and improving yourself on a regular basis.

It may sound daunting at first, but it’s important to remember that a little progress each day adds up to big results. Don’t get down on yourself when you aren’t perfect, instead allow yourself to get excited when you accomplish your daily goals.

If you don’t know where to start, give these ideas a try:

  1. Go for a walk or run. Walking (or running) each day is a great way to get your body moving and feeling good. It increases endorphins, which improves your mood, and increases your flow of oxygen, which allows your body to regulate stress better.
  2. Eat a healthy meal. What you put into your body greatly affects how your body functions. Feed your body nutritious meals to help it perform to the best of its ability. Food also influences your mood, so eating fatty sweets (though they taste good) makes you feel sluggish, apathetic, and down. Keep that in mind the next time you reach for a tasty treat!
  3. Stretch. Though this may sound silly, stretching is so important for overall health. It enhances your body’s flow of oxygen, allows your muscles to recover faster, and prevents pain due to tightness and lack of use. Stretching in the morning is also a great way to wake your mind and body up and get ready for the day.
  4. Read a book. Reading is a great way to stay intellectually healthy and improve your mind. It allows for an expansion of thoughts, deeper understanding, and greater vocabulary. When you work your mind it stays sharp. Alternatively, having a stagnant mind will allow it to decay.
  5. Drink water. Your body needs a good amount of water in order to function at its best. Make sure you are drinking the required amount for your body size each day. As you get older you tend to drink less water, so be intentional about making this a priority!
  6. Spend quality time with loved ones. Relational health is a cornerstone of #healthyliving. Healthy relationships will make you feel good and encourage you to work toward being healthier, while destructive relationships will slowly corrode your sense of worth, confidence, and overall health.


A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body, but it can also change your mind, attitude, and mood. There are so many benefits to living healthy, and I’m excited for you to start experiencing them!